There are no upcoming dates for this event.
The MFAA will have a roundtable meeting at the Worcester DCU on September 19 at 1:00 PM. [Please note, that the time has changed.] All interested MFAA Board members should register for this event to benefit from seeing a well-run event with free parking validation, free admission, and a complimentary lunch. Interested MFAA members may also register at no cost through our website or the MHEC website.
We encourage you to arrive early to visit our table [volunteers needed to help Alan Peterson], attend the 1:00 PM keynote on “The Use of AI for Purchasing,” and connect with pre-approved contract suppliers.
The Massachusetts Higher Education Purchasing Consortium (MHEC) has generously donated both a Table at their Trade Show and a meeting space for the MFAA and prospective members.
Venue: DCU Center
Venue Phone: 508-755-6800
Venue Website: